Stepping Into Wellness With Candice Bryan


Candice Bryan is the CEO & Founder of Noire Wellness,  a Wellness Inclusion Strategist, a dance Fitness Instructor, mother of two beautiful children, speaker on a variety of topics including sports development and an aspiring author.

With a cultural heritage richly placed in Jamaica and Barbados and ancestral links to West Africa, Candice identifies as an African-Caribbean sister journeying through the diaspora.  Over the past 20 years, Candice has worked across community sports development, health & fitness and the inclusive fitness sector.

As a Wellness Inclusion Strategist, Candice also offers advice & consultations to other wellness brands.  Further expanding her reach in helping brands plan & execute projects & programmes gaining more confidence to increase their visibility across the growing sector.  Her passion to see others win is embedded in her online ‘Rising Wellness Brands’ programmes teachings.

A home girl at heart, lover of all music, African yoga charity fundraising, roller skating, skydiving and whatever feels good to the soul on a mission to leave a legacy for her children and yours too!

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