Breaking The Silence On Mental Illness with Andrea Corbett


Andrea Corbett the founder of a not-for-profit community interest company. ‘Focus On Creating your Ultimate Self CIC’ (F.O.C.U.S). The CIC provides a safe environment for women and young girls to take part in activities promoting positive mental and physical wellness. Before becoming a Wellbeing Coach, she had been working in the education sector for close to 15 years. She resigned from her role as the Head of Department for Business & Computing in 2015, due the depression and anxiety.  As someone who has battled with mental health, she used fitness and bodybuilding to manage her depression and anxiety. she now understands and appreciates the importance of good mental and physical health. Her past experiences led her to become a Wellbeing Coach, providing workouts for the body and mind. Educating and training women and young girls to focus on creating their ultimate self. To not only look good on the outside but to feel good, both internally and externally.

She is currently the United Kingdom Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation (UKBFF) National Women’s Physique Champion 2015-17, ranked 5th in the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB) World 2016 and European 2017 Championships. She is the only woman’s physique competitor to have represented Great Britain in both competitions.

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