Changing The Story Being Told with Kandace Chimbiri


Kandace Chimbiri the Self-Published author and founder of Golden Destiny the publishing house. Motivated by a desire to help improve children’s literacy as well as their knowledge of history. Publishing four Black history books for children, Secrets of the Afro Comb,6,000 Years of Art and Culture, The Story of Early Ancient Egypt, Step Back in Time to Ancient Kush and The Story of the Windrush ( a tribute to the Windrush generation pioneers). that focused on Black history before mass enslavement. Her books led directly to working with museums on exhibitions. She has worked with the V&A on Contemporary Kushite Kings and Queens (part of the Staying Power project in 2011), the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge on the Origins of the Afro Comb (2013) and with the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology on the Fusion of Worlds (2014).

She has given talks for adults and for children on African history as well as tours on African Artefacts in the British Museum, the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology and the V&A. She appeared in the documentary, Nubian Spirit: The African Legacy of the Ancient Nile Valley.

Catch her on the show tonight and ask her questions via