Restore Your Mental Well-being With 10 Minute CBT with Dr Lee David


Dr Lee David is a GP, CBT Therapist and the founder and director of 10 Minute CBT. She is an experienced mental health presenter and teacher with expertise in CBT, compassion and mindfulness. The course director for the new Mental Health course with Red Whale.

10 Minute CBT, which is an educational organisation that trains GPs and other health professionals use bite-sized CBT skills which is an evidence-based psychological therapy in their routine consultations. As a GP with an interest in mental health and young people who provides one-to-one therapy using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness tools via video consultation.

She has written two academic books for GPs and is currently co-writing a new book for young people on ‘10 Minute Steps to Wellbeing’.  During this time of COVID-19 having practical tools and techniques to help ease, fear, anxiety and stress in adults and especially young people to help restore their mental wellbeing.

Discover more about  10 minuteCBT via~

Discover their introductory video programme: 10 Minute Steps to Survive Lockdown for young people and parents to understand emotional wellbeing and ways to encourage positive mental health.

Connect with her via LinkedIn Dr Lee David

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