The Journey to Parenthood with Alex and Natalie Mutambudzi


Alex and Natalie Mutambudzi, on their journey, to start a family, faced incredible challenges. Having tried from years with no success went down the road of assisted conception looking at IVF. After feeling like their doctors were not taking their needs seriously, then realising that they did not seem to have an answer. They embarked on an emotional journey through miscarriages and heartbreak to become parents.  The emotional and financial cost of that journey took them on a path that has changed the course of their lives. They have birthed the Fertility Zone, from their own experiences of going it alone not having the right answers, they did not want other parents to be to go on this journey alone. Creating a service and platform to interrupt and diversify the conversation of assisted conception for all parents especially in the Black community, giving room to have the unspoken conversations on the journey to Parenthood.

We had some mic issues while recording, but the people you need to hear from the most are crystal clear…

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