TV Antennas Lead Nike Folayan to a Career in Electrical Engineering.


Nike Folayan is the founder and chair of the Association for Black and Minority Ethnic Engineers that campaigns for more ethnic diversity in UK engineering. TV antennas lead her to a career in engineering. Nike is a chartered engineer and gained a PhD in electronics engineering at the University of Sheffield. The AFBE-UK hosts an annual summit and this year’s focus was on “How Brexit Will Impact Diversity in The UK Engineering Sector”.

Nike holds the stance that diversity is not a fad and how it allows for more innovation due to the introduction of different views points.

She shares why the imposter syndrome is never mastered, why BME communities need to start looking at diversifying their skills in the wake of Brexit.

For her #Soloudmoment of the week, Nike celebrated June Sarpong for being a brilliant host at the AFBE-UK’s annual summit and for her book Diversify ( Six Degrees of Integration)

On the books that she is currently reading Nike shares with us that she currently has two books on reading list Diversify by June Sarpong and Built by Roma Agrawal.

To find out more about the association go to

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